(248) 477 7020 Appointment

ENT Information Center ENT Specialists

Antihistamines Decongestants And Cold Remedies

Facial Plastic Surgery

Fall Prevention

What Is An Otolaryngologist Head And Neck Surgeon

Secondhand Smoke And Children

Smokeless Tobacco

Ears And Altitude

Is My Child's Hearing Normal

Travel Tips For The Hearing Impaired

Smell And Taste

Will You Please Roll Over

How Are The Tonsils Removed

Is It Time For Ear Tubes?

New Allergy Therapy

Secondhand Smoke Causes Ear Infections

Sinus Surgery: Is It Really That Painful

Am I A Candidate For Balloon Sinuplasty

Tonsils And Adenoids Difficulty

Swimmers Ear

Schedule your ear, nose, and throat consultation today

You're entitled to a higher quality of life. At ENT Specialists, our warm and compassionate team will keep you comfortable and happy throughout your relief journey. Schedule your one-on-one consultation today to experience the difference ENT Specialists can make in your life! We offer ENT treatments in Novi, Brighton, and Bingham Farms.

25500 Meadowbrook Road Suite 220, Novi, MI 48375

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